One Step Ahead

Got a lot done before 3p and knocked a few tasks off my to-do list. Small wins. Yess Corrita! I had a booking to clean but she canceled. Woke up around 8ish, thanked God for the day, got dressed, and recited my AM affirmations. Ate leftovers- Cajun Chicken, collard greens and mac n cheese- for breakfast. Sam’s Club water to drink. Found a coffee shop playlist on Spotify with a mixture of every genre of songs. A song by Aretha Franklin came on, One Step Ahead, that reminded me I need to jam more Aretha. Classy + Soothing. I recently read a headline about a family member finding her hand-written will & testament tucked in the couch. LOL that is the funniest thing, because she’s Aretha Franklin. THEEEE ARETHA FRANKLIN. Forever legend & for surely may have had access to the top lawyers in Detroit, but the good ol couch was a much more comforting fit. I ain’t mad it it. Anywho, I turned on the heater, finalized my 3rd freelance writer resume, got inventory done for VendPop, tossed 12 empty Honey Bun boxes, collected the trash cans and waved at the neighbor that takes off on Monday. #200Snowflakes